As it is with all my conversations with the "Turn of the Page" authors, it was an honor. Speaking with award-winning journalist Deborah Scroggins I found myself often speachless and in awe of her work as a journalist and certainly of a woman who seeks out people and places most would fear. Deborah said she feels the need to educated herself as well as those willing to learn about "The War on Terror." Her latest book: "Wanted Women..." delves into the lives of two well educated, and fasinaing Muslim women; Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Somali-born former member of the Dutch Parliament and an author of an an internatioanl bestselling book herself, "Infidel" and Aafia Siddiqui, Pakistanian woman educated in the US at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was regarded as one of the CIA most dangerous terrorist in the world for her involvement with al-Qaeda and marriage to one of the 9/11 plotters.
"Wanted Women Faith,Lies & The War On Terror:..." is not only educational but a real thriller!
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